Saturday, February 16, 2019


          Having a "home group" that you can attend regularly lays down the foundation to your sucess. Listening to the same group of people speak about their drinking career day after day, starts to build a big picture of their struggle with alcoholism. You find yourself relating more and more to their stories. You build empathy and understanding for your fellows and the AA program we all work. However, working your OWN program is vital. One person's way of working the steps does not always necessarily work for another, though there are often great commonalities between them. 

          I, myself, like to use my prayer box every day before the start of a meeting. I write down a prayer that asks my Higher Power to watch over my loved ones or to help them or myself tofind the courage or strength to push through an obstacle in our lives that we may be dealing with at that time. This helps me to focus on a set goal for my current 24 hours. 

          Finding a way to incorporate a routine working of your program into your daily lives is extremely beneficial. Try a journal, reading the Daily Reflection every morning, or maybe even a daily pledge on a phone app like I do (check out the "I Am Sober" app). Have a wonderful day my Spunks! 

#onedayatatime #24hours #dailyprogram #YOURownprogram #themprayersworkbaby #higherpower

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